Animated Wallpaper Maker could not have a more descriptive name. As you could have guessed, this tool is intended to make your computer desktop livelier by using an animated wallpaper. The program certainly has a lot of features that require some time to explore; however, it will not be long until you are creating your own wallpaper. Luckily, it comes with various examples that allow experimenting and previewing what the tool can do. Besides, you can enter in tutorial mode and get a sequence of useful tips.
The first step in creating an animated wallpaper is loading a background, which means importing the desired picture. Then, you can apply various background effects, including water mirror, rings on water, fire, matrix code and glass ball. Next step is adding animated objects, which include birds, clouds, butterflies, grass, falling leaves and many others. Likewise, you can use animated brushes based on patterns and nature. Not only that, it is also allowed to use animated text and particles. What is more, there is the possibility of using sounds and even configure music playlists. More advanced users may like to explore using cameras and even various layers to achieve a tridimensional illusion. Luckily, the program supports creating various slides with all the effects described above. For each of them, you can control the timing.
While you are creating your animated wallpaper, you can preview the results at any time. When it finally looks as expected, you can set it as your system's wallpaper. In this regard, you should know that a player is used for this purpose and it runs from the System Tray where you can stop it when you need to. Fortunately, it is also possible to create standalone executable wallpapers, which eliminates the need to install the program on every machine. The quality of the results is astonishing; however, I did not like that it does not allow using desktop icons.
All in all, I am sure Animated Wallpaper Maker will be greatly appreciated by those who like to personalize the way their screen looks. I am sure it is one of the best tools of its kind. Gladly, the product is shareware and its trial version can be tried at no cost.
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